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Todo List

Global CLUS::BinaryProbabilisticRegressionTreeNode::LearnSample (const int *Dvars, const double *Cvars, double probability, double threshold)
put some cutoff here to use less data as you go down

Global CLUS::MulticlassContinuousDistribution::PValueStatisticalTest (void)
fix this: return F(W, noClasses-1, n-noClasses, 3);

Global CLUS::MultiDecisionTreeNode::ComputeNodeWeight (void)
add more code to implement new weighing schemes

Global CLUS::SimpleNormalDistribution::Probability (const double *DataCache)
to redefine these two since they are not virtual so the wrong methods are called

Namespace CLUS
This solution is very ugly. Use virtual functions to get the same result

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